Let me first introduce myself, my name is Kevin, most call me Coach Nuse. I created this blog as a means to start a movement cleaning up the sidelines of lacrosse games and tournaments nationwide. That is actually a grandiose concept and probably a pipe dream, but that's what we think is needed. I would be happy if I could bring light to and improve what I see on lacrosse sidelines today just in the Carolina's. But uptake on this concept has been quick, and across the country I've had folks reach out who love it. Many will tell you the lacrosse world is small, we all know each other, something like this movement could catch on fast...think the ice-bucket challenge but warmer.
Lacrosse is much like the Kevin Bacon game, except I would argue its probably only 3 degrees to find someone we have in common in Lacrosse. Thanks to that, and an overwhelming majority of people who have good intentions, just baby steps I believe can make small change, and show evidence of its impact growing wide and fast.
With my partners at LPC, we have spent the few last years leveraging social science, psychology, coaches, parents, program directors, referees and most importantly players for a discussion on fundamentally improving parents approach to supporting their children's lacrosse journey. We don't pretend to be the end all be all authority on how you carry yourself in front of your children. But we do want to raise the standard of what a lacrosse sideline looks like by offering perspective, tips and insight into an approach that many stakeholders in the lacrosse world feel would be a great improvement. It is important to know, we are focused on lacrosse, we believe our sport is not as far off as the others. In addition, we believe in the benefits and growth of this sport specifically, and want to be the example all other sports look to.
Please don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of participation trophy's, that's not at all what I'm about, I just want the number 1 focus to be on the children and their fun. Not the parents, not the coaches, not the referees, simply kids playing a game and having fun doing it. Learning the lessons sports teach you about life and knowing their parents are proud of them for trying. If you know me, you would know how much being a parent has changed me to be able to utter these words...it's not all about winning. Until next time...
Coach Nuse!